Seeds to Plant...

We all think of a brighter future and constantly discuss ways to get better. I think it is human nature to want to improve while looking to increase the quality of our relationships, improve our skill sets, or work more efficiently. I have given this a great deal of thought in the past few weeks and have come to the conclusion that the decisions and plans we make today will lead to a better tomorrow. I think of this practice as an investment and refer to it as planting seeds. Within this post, I will share what I plan to do today to lead to a better tomorrow. Image Credit: DeonVsEarth, Inc Take care of the hard stuff now: If you work in education, there are going to be difficult things that you will have to tackle almost daily. Maybe there is a hard conversation that needs to take place with one of your colleagues. A procedural change may need to happen that is going to upset a group of people, but is best for your organization. Or maybe it is...